Online and Hybrid Course Search

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This course search can be used to query the online and hybrid courses offered at Wichita State University for the selected term. The course instructional method is indicated by the following codes: • Your search can be narrowed by selecting filters within the search block to the left.
  • All online, asynchronous instruction (OLA) Instruction, course participation and all assessment via internet only.
  • All online, synchronous instruction (OLS) Instruction delivered via online platform allowing for set meeting times. OLS is “face-to-face” but not in-person
  • Online with in-person assessment (OHY) Instruction delivered all online (synchronous or asynchronous) but requiring student to come to a WSU location for exams or other assessment activities.
  • Hybrid/blended instruction more than 25% in person (HYB1) Instruction is a combination of in-person, online synchronous, online asynchronous, and/or other methods. More than 25% of instruction must be in-person.
  • Hybrid/blended instruction 25% or less in person (HYB2) Instruction is a combination of in-person, online synchronous, online asynchronous, and/or other methods. Less than 25% of instruction will be in-person.
• Searches can be performed by selecting any of the following filters: Online Class Type, Subjects, Course Number, Instructor, General Education, and Course Attributes.
Click here for more information on the codes you will find within the search results